I Had A Delicious Breakfast This Morning!!

I did some shopping online — There were a few items I needed to purchase — fortunately, I have had plenty of food since the last time I shopped for groceries . . . These were clothing items that needed to be addressed.  I needed to purchase more yoga pants and blouses . . . These are my basic attire for the day . . . It does feel good to get dressed in the morning . . . 

I Stayed In For Lunch And May Go Down For Dinner — They Do Have Something I Can Eat!

For Dinner, They Have Creamed Turkey, Buttermilk Biscuits, Roasted Cauliflower, And A Carrot Cake Cookie For Dessert — Unless They Get Creative And Decide On Something Else They Have On Hand. 

Yesterday They Had An Abundance Of Chocolate Delights.

I can have Rice Pudding Or Tapioca Pudding . . . I also have Jell-o and sliced peaches or pears . . . I also have applesauce and cookies and I may still have some donuts . . . I may want to have another bowl of cereal — I do enjoy that and I can ask for another glass of milk to go!

Doubt The Servers Pay Attention To What Is Being Ordered And Consumed … They Just Want To Get The Food And Drink Out And Collected In The End With The Soiled Cookware . . . 

There Are More Days This Week Offering Food I Don’t Eat Than Food I Do Eat . . . I Do Enjoy Coming Down And Socializing With Others               . . . 

I don’t know about others — I just like minding my own business and pretty much keeping to myself — yesterday we got into some drama with someone directing another to do as she wanted — We are all adults and I find it strange how someone would want to control another’s behavior — basically we go down to meals and decide who we wish to sit with — if room allows . . . It is basically no big deal . . . We usually don’t have the drama . . . but some just can’t help but create conflicts . . . They can deal with it . . .

It is difficult when adults act out and behave badly . . . Basically many of us live alone with care providers and this is what is best for us . . . We do need some help getting dressed in the morning . . . and we do need assistance . . . I need assistance getting to the dining hall and assistance getting back into my apartment . . . 

I am very fortunate to get someone to do my laundry and clean my apartment — it is wonderful that this is scheduled for me . . . I am also very fortunate to keep things neat and clean on a regular consistent basis . . . My daily routine doesn’t evolve into dirtying up the apartment . . . We all want it to be as neat, clean, and orderly as possible . . . 

This Has Been A Most Beautiful Day Where I Was Able To Be With Others And Also On My Own . . . 

I was fortunate to be with others for breakfast and for lunch I was able to be on my own . . . I’ll see how I feel the closer I’m getting to Dinnertime . . . I may want to go down and have Creamed Turkey and Buttermilk Biscuits — Maybe Peggy and Bob will be available — or they may have family visiting for dinner . . .  Hopefully there will be someone for me to share dinner with — or I will decide what is best for me — the other table may have another person who wants to be with them — I don’t want to mess up anything they have working for them!

I’m fortunate I’ve met quite a few people — some I have shared meals with and some not . . . but I’m sure I won’t have to be all by myself . . . There will be someone who wouldn’t mind sharing a dinner table with me — I’ll be sure to ask for another glass of milk to go!!  This way I may be able to get another bowl of cereal for an extra meal . . . Or get a few cookies or a thing of jell-o . . . 

I’m Very Comfortable Here With Wealthy Affiliate . . . I Would Like To Share A Couple Of Things Here . . . 

You sign up and begin on the lessons — you have seven days to look around and try things out . . . before your 7 days are up, you’ll be asked to upgrade to continue with the lessons — for me, I wanted to continue with the lessons and continue learning . . . upgrading was no big deal to me — it was something I expected. It was at about the cost I expected it to be . . . The thing is, I did not expect the lessons to continue for free — and I was happy to meet some wonderful members . . . The WA Community is full of lots of delightful people you will want to know!

Don’t be at all surprised after you join and stop by the chat that you don’t see Kyle saying hello to everyone . . . Others join in, too, it is a fun, friendly place . . . You can always ask a question if you need some help with something . . . There is always someone available to help out . . . We’ve all been there. . and we learned what we needed to learn to allow us to build and grow our online business . . . into the success we were striving to achieve.

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